Question: I dent my family. I would like a desk?
Answer: If you’re someone at the moment too “set aside” for a number, stretch a can.
First of all, close your building, the grocery store and the shopping mall. Take the elevator, the halls and stairs if there’s time. If you have a large file, take your floor.
If you have the pace, run.
Sit during lulls.
A hand is a simple muscle.
An elastic band is another.
While sitting at your desk, don’t forget your neck, shoulders, back, chest, wrists, abdominal muscles, buttocks, thighs and calves. They help you.
Break your computer every 30 minutes. Watch for blood.
Blackout composition, source: “Fitting Exercise into Daily Routine”, Mitchell “Dr. H” Hecht, The Philadelphia Inquirer, 1/7/13.
In situ, below…